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This sliding scale rate includes everything - LIVE and on-demand classes for a $40/month savings!

Numerous Weekly Live Classes
Hundreds of Classes On Demand

We all do the best we can at the level of our nervous system.

Lasting transformation comes from putting the brain and nervous system at the center of training — whether that is for cognitive or physical performance, or behavior change.” 

— Elisabeth Kristof, Founder of BrainBased.com

Hear from our students

"I log on to the site every day, sometimes twice a day. This community is the family I always wish I had had. It is a place where I belong. That is extraordinary in the digital world -- to have this kind of community and accountability."

- Malinda Lowery, Professor, University of North Carolina, Brian-Based site member since 2020

"Brain-Based Wellness is unlike anything I have ever done before. Before I came into the program I was experiencing so much pain on a consistent basis. It has been life-changing. It has been everything to me as an entrepreneur growing my company to multiple 7-figures. If I didn't have these tools, I would burn out and get sick."

-Jessica Rhodes, Founder and CEO Interview Connections, Brian-Based site member since 2023

"These tools have been such a powerful part of my healing. It makes everything else that I do in therapy and in personal development so much more effective, because I have a way to really work with my body and regulate my nervous system. I use the tools in my therapy sessions to stay grounded and present. I’ve even taught my therapist all about the nervous system!"

- Mercedes Rex, Artist, Brain-Based site member, Brian-Based site member since 2021

"I haven't had a migraine or panic attack since I started training at Brain-Based."

- Molly Seigler, Pilates and Movement Teacher, Brian-Based site member since 2020

"I am more connected to my body in an intrinsic way. I look forward to moving. I have a different relationship to myself and my body."

- Marisol Valdez, Graphic Designer, Brian-Based site member since 2020 

"My eyesight has improved dramatically since I joined Brain-Based because of the neuro tools. I can drive at night again. That gives me more freedom and less pain! More than that, I am in my 70s and finding a level of connection to my body I have never had in my life. I express my emotions now. I know my boundaries. I am a woman in touch with her healthy expression of rage thanks to this work!"

- Susan Wambsganss , retired, austin texas, Brian-Based site member since 2020

“My work at Brain-Based really taught me to have a sense of safety inside of myself. That has been really exciting. I have traditional talk therapy, and  it was really hard for me because  It didn’t really change the behavior that was underneath — all these beliefs that I held. This work really digs deeper and heals those old wounds. When the patterns continue to come up in your life, you have tools to be able to process them. It is so different from any other work I have done around behavior change.”

– Keri Cortes, BrainBased Site member, Brian-Based site member since 2020

"At 42, I'm stronger than I have ever been, physically and intrinsically. I feel better from the inside. I am more present than I have ever been in my life. I can show up for my clients, my partner, my family and really be there. Most importantly, I can show up for myself."

- Claire Davenport, Architect Brain-Based Site member since 2020 

“Brain-Based could not have come at a better time for me. Elisabeth is deeply educated and experienced in the ways our brain health is linked to our overall health. My mind is blown in every session. I am so grateful to be a part of this community.”

- Jen Brown, Accountant , Brain-Based Site member since 2020 

“Neuro tools opened up a whole new world for me. I am in my 70s and since taking classes at Brain-Based the pain in my knee, neck and back are gone. I was afraid to stay moving until I was introduced to neuro training. It is fascinating how our body works. It is wonderful to have no pain and enjoy moving again!”

- Lee Blizzard-Tuetken, retired, Brain-Based Site member since 2020 

“As an NSI practitioner, it is wonderful to be a Brain-Based member. We are always learning new tools and techniques that I can use not only for my own nervous system health, but to help my one-on-one clients. The wealth of information in the on-demand library is incredible, especially because you can filter by topics like anxiety, freeze, pain, headache, etc. and know exactly which tools to use when!”

- Cristy Chung, Reiki and NSI practitioner, Brain-Based site member since 2022

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