Peace with Food

Get the tools you need to eliminate stress eating and free yourself from harmful loops of yo-yo dieting, body shame and overeating.

Live Webinar • Saturday, June 26 •

9 AM PT / 10 AM MT / 11 AM CT / 1 PM ET

Register today! Space is limited! 

Cheryl Townsley

Lifestyle for Health

Elisabeth Kristof

Brain-Based Wellness

As the world is re-opening, do you find yourself worried about the weight you put on under during the time of the pandemic? If you are like many of our clients, you want to be excited about meeting with family and friends again, but negative thoughts about your body and weight creep in and steal the joy of this time for reconnection.

This was an incredibly hard season, and the truth is that transitioning back into an open world after over a year of isolation is also tough on our nervous system. Our body weight is linked to so much more than just calories in and calories out. If it was that simple, no one would struggle!

Intuitive eating and a healthy body image sound great! But if you are someone who has struggled with years of diet culture and dissociation from your body, that can be a really hard place to come to. Elisabeth and Cheryl have decades of experience helping people resolve these issues. This workshop will equip you with the tools you need to make peace with food and your body so that you can reconnect to loved ones and open your life up again with joy and freedom!

Sign up today and get a bonus from both Cheryl and Elisabeth 

Five reasons you may not have peace with your body, eating behaviors or food :

  • Dissociation from the body makes it difficult to practice intuitive eating: Do you find that you want to kick diet culture to the curb and have a peaceful relationship with food but intuitive eating is really hard? Have you lost the ability to read your bodies signals? Has your trust in yourself eroded after years of dieting and deprivation? We got you. Learn new tools to connect to the body that make trust and intuition with food possible.

  • You are not eating right for your blood type: You are unique. Learning about your blood type, metabolism and personality makes a real difference in your eating habits and relationship with your body. You will learn how to find out about all of these things and what to do with that information to ensure your success with healthy habits.

  • Food is a tool for self-regulation that your brain is using to keep you safe: We all do the best we can at the level of our nervous system. Oftentimes binge or stress eating is a tool our nervous system uses to keep us safe and regulated. By learning new tools to interrupt the cycle of stress eating you can overcome this habit for good.
  • Emotions don't feel safe, so you block them with food: We live in a culture that tells us not to fully feel - our grief, our shame and especially our anger. Food becomes a means to numb these emotions. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can handle your emotions for a full, rich life experience. In this webinar, we will show you a powerful technique to process emotions and resolve emotional eating.

  • Your body is craving specific foods because of deficiencies or imbalances that you can address: We can learn from our cravings what our body really needs. When we honor our body's signals, we can stop trying to get our needs met from sources that aren't capable of giving us what we really need. We will teach you what your cravings mean and how to get what you actually need for optimal health and vitality.

If you don't love the workshop, we will happily refund you. We want this work to truely benefit you -- and if it doesn't, we don't want you to pay. Just contact us after the workshop for a full refund if it isn't the right fit for you!

Meet Cheryl.

Tens of thousands of people from around the world have worked with Cheryl. Hundreds of thousands have read her books and millions have watched her on television over the past twenty-five years. 

The most common feedback: “Cheryl is practical, caring and simply gets results!”

Cheryl has authored 17 books on health and wellness and has appeared on thousands of television and media shows. She believes that success starts by pointing people toward baby steps that can be implemented at any age, on any budget, to create the results they desire.

In today’s world, learning to work with our brain instead of against it is the key to creating real and lasting change and overcoming stress, overwhelm, and trauma. 

Transformation is possible when we learn how to let the process be EASY, add simple movements and change how we think.

Meet Elisabeth.

Elisabeth Kristof is an expert in using applied neurology, somatic practices and subconscious reprogramming to move people out of pain, unwanted behavior and stress response. She is the founder of Brain-Based Wellness, an online platform that trains the nervous system and body to resolve old patterns, improve performance and increase well-being. Elisabeth works with entrepreneurs, athletes, leaders and creatives to improve resilience through intentional, science-based brain training. Elisabeth has shared her message on over 40 podcasts and is co-host of Illuminated with Jennifer Wallace. Her research and work with hundreds of clients taught her that healing and change must occur in both the body and the mind, that each body, mind, and nervous system is unique, and most importantly, that with the right tools, we are all capable of healing.