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14 Day Free Trial, 

Upon Registration

Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to a FREE 14-day guide that takes you, day-by-day, through the exact techniques to start mapping your stress response, healing dysregulation, and training your nervous system for resilience.

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The Secret is Out
Nervous system dysregulation is one of the biggest blocks in our modern society to living a fulfilling life.
If you've tried other healing modalities that have left you feeling like...
"Why is this not working?  What is wrong with me?"
Good News:

It’s very likely that your nervous system holds the answer — and the solution.

At, we combine applied neurology, somatic practices, and body-based, trauma-informed meditation to help you rewire deep-seated stress response patterns and heal nervous system dysregulation at the root level.

Our students have used the tools we teach to overcome shutdown (chronic freeze), kick burnout to the curb, lessen long-standing autoimmune issues, and in general, start navigating their lives with way less pressure, and a lot more ease.

Because when you change the way your nervous system functions — instead of just putting a band-aid on your survival (stress) response over and over — you change the foundation of your entire operating system…

And living fully expressed while feeling RELAXED becomes your new normal.

What most personal development and healing programs DON’T tell you is that ALL of your behaviors are an output of your nervous system trying to keep you safe.

Your maladaptive behaviors won’t change by changing your thoughts.

You have to go deeper.

Real, lasting change comes from training your brain + nervous system.

That's why we created...



The most comprehensive monthly membership on the internet to become the expert of your own nervous system

We’re an online community that uses evidence-based, neuro-somatic tools to create expanded CAPACITY in the nervous system and improve brain function for behavior change, trauma resolution, and increased energy, presence, peace, connection, and performance.

If you’re ready to experience new outcomes and begin changing your life with so much more ease - from the inside out - join us.

Start my FREE TWO-WEEK trial

Start today

Free for 14 days and only pay $137/month if you continue

(Instead of the normal price of $157/month)
Start my FREE TWO-WEEK trial

Sign up now & get instant access

Neuro-Somatic Flow

Neuro-somatic mat flows to process stress and emotions through the body, resolve trauma and decrease pain.

Emotional Processing

Neuro-somatic resets and meditations to improve nervous system health and resilience.

Neuro Training

Applied Neurology training sessions to heal deficits in your unique nervous system. See better, balance better, move better, and feel better.

Plus hundreds of pre-recorded classes in the library

Join an on-demand class whenever it suits you!

Sort by length, teacher, focus, and save your favorites to come back to.

Start my FREE TWO-WEEK trial

How it Works:

Live Classes and Q&A Sessions

5 Days/Week

OR catch them later on demand!

Gain the tools to train your nervous system + brain for resilience through LIVE & on-demand classes with our founder and lead facilitator, Elisabeth, and a host of certified neuro-somatic facilitators.

ALL-NEW LIVE classes & Q&A five days a week, every week!

Don't Forget

When you join us, we’ll also send you a (FREE) guide that walks you through exactly what you need to do, day-by-day, to begin dismantling the systems of dysregulation you've internalized, and build more capacity in your nervous system to set yourself up for real transformation.
Start my FREE TWO-WEEK trial

"For over 3.5 years, my journey with BrainBased has been nothing short of transformative. Elisabeth's passion and expertise, which initially drew me in, have blossomed into an incredible team of coaches and a powerhouse of a website.

Delving into the intricacies of my nervous system and understanding how my beliefs shape my life has been a game-changer. It's not just about knowledge; it's about rediscovering joy and passion in my life. Armed with this understanding, I've gained the power to alter the trajectory of my life and acquired invaluable tools to navigate the complexities that come with such profound changes.

As an entrepreneur and small business owner, the impact of BrainBased extends beyond personal well-being and permeates into my professional life, making every aspect more fulfilling.”

— Becca Brannian, Entrepreneur and Small Business Owner

Inside this membership, you are NOT just another number.

You are a human who is raising their hand to heal and experience a life of expanded freedom.

We offer LIVE classes & Q&A sessions 5 days/week so you can get personalized feedback and be guided in real-time on how to customize the work for your unique nervous system, PLUS have the opportunity to ask all your questions to a certified neuro-somatic facilitator at the end of every LIVE session.

Yes, we said at the end of every LIVE session (and there are 5… every week).

Ready to become the expert of your own nervous system and powerfully deepen your healing journey, supported by expert guidance?

Start my FREE TWO-WEEK trial


Elisabeth Kristof

Founder of & Your Leading Facilitator Inside The Rewire

Elisabeth Kristof, MA, is the founder of and an established expert in nervous system health for trauma resolution and behavior change. She is a certified applied neurology and somatics practitioner who has been in the wellness industry since 2007, working with entrepreneurs, athletes, leaders, and creatives to improve resilience, manage stress, and regulate emotions through intentional, science-based brain training.

Elisabeth is also the founder of the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Certification, an ICF-accredited program teaching leading-edge neuro coaching that creates transformation from the body to the brain. 

As co-host of the Trauma Rewired Podcast, Elisabeth shares weekly episodes featuring practical tools and education for nervous system rehabilitation, along with the latest findings in neuroscience, to promote resolution, behavior change, and improved wellbeing and performance.

Inside The Rewire, you will:

  • Learn practical science-based tools to train your nervous system for resilience and decrease stress.

  • Resolve pain and develop practices to get out of unwanted behavior like social scrolling, binge eating, overtraining, overworking, and burnout.

  • Resolve self-limiting outputs, develop more control over your responses and behaviors, and create new relationship patterns (because you’re rewiring trauma patterns in the brain and body).
  • Stretch your capacity for change, somatic expression, emotional processing and growth.

  • Increase your decision-making and leadership skills, and become more connected and present.

  • Connect with a community of growth-oriented people working together to heal their nervous system.

  • Process emotions somatically, feel better in your body, and experience pleasure, joy, and play again.
Start my FREE TWO-WEEK trial

But don't just take it from us

Here's what our students are saying...

"I log on to the site every day, sometimes twice a day. This community is the family I always wish I had. It is a place where I belong. That is extraordinary in the digital world -- to have this kind of community and accountability."

- Malinda Lowery, Professor, University of North Carolina, Brian-Based site member since 2020

"BrainBased Wellness is unlike anything I have ever done before. Before I came into the program, I was experiencing so much pain on a consistent basis. It has been life-changing. It has been everything to me as an entrepreneur, growing my company to multiple 7-figures. If I didn't have these tools, I would burn out and get sick."

-Jessica Rhodes, Founder and CEO Interview Connections, Brian-Based site member since 2023

"These tools have been such a powerful part of my healing. It makes everything else that I do in therapy and in personal development so much more effective because I have a way to really work with my body and regulate my nervous system. I use the tools in my therapy sessions to stay grounded and present. I’ve even taught my therapist all about the nervous system!"

- Mercedes Rex, Artist, BrainBased site member since 2021

"I haven't had a migraine or panic attack since I started training at BrainBased."

- Molly Seigler, Pilates and Movement Teacher, BrianBased site member since 2020

"I am more connected to my body in an intrinsic way. I look forward to moving. I have a different relationship to myself and my body."

- Marisol Valdez, Graphic Designer, BrianBased site member since 2020 

"My eyesight has improved dramatically since I joined BrainBased because of the neuro tools. I can drive at night again. That gives me more freedom and less pain! More than that, I am in my 70s and finding a level of connection to my body I have never had in my life. I express my emotions now. I know my boundaries. I am a woman in touch with her healthy expression of rage thanks to this work!"

- Susan Wambsganss , Retired, BrianBased site member since 2020

“My work at BrainBased really taught me to have a sense of safety inside of myself. That has been really exciting. I have traditional talk therapy, and it was really hard for me because it didn’t really change the behavior that was underneath all these beliefs that I held. This work really digs deeper and heals those old wounds. When patterns continue to come up in your life, you have tools to be able to process them. It is so different from any other work I have done around behavior change.”

– Keri Cortes, BrianBased site member since 2020

"At 42, I'm stronger than I have ever been, physically and intrinsically. I feel better from the inside. I am more present than I have ever been in my life. I can show up for my clients, my partner, my family and really be there. Most importantly, I can show up for myself."

- Claire Davenport, Architect, BrainBased Site member since 2020 

“BrainBased could not have come at a better time for me. Elisabeth is deeply educated and experienced in the ways our brain health is linked to our overall health. My mind is blown in every session. I am so grateful to be a part of this community.”

- Jen Brown, Accountant, BrainBased Site member since 2020 

“Neuro tools opened up a whole new world for me. I am in my 70s and since taking classes at BrainBased the pain in my knee, neck and back are gone. I was afraid to stay moving until I was introduced to neuro training. It is fascinating how our body works. It is wonderful to have no pain and enjoy moving again!”

- Lee Blizzard-Tuetken, Retired, BrainBased Site member since 2020 

“As an NSI practitioner, it is wonderful to be a BrainBased member. We are always learning new tools and techniques that I can use not only for my own nervous system health, but to help my one-on-one clients. The wealth of information in the on-demand library is incredible, especially because you can filter by topics like anxiety, freeze, pain, headache, etc. and know exactly which tools to use when!”

- Cristy Chung, Reiki and NSI practitioner, BrainBased site member since 2022

    You're in the right place if...

    → You’re growth-oriented by nature and are seeking a POWERFUL healing modality that goes beyond just the cognitive (think: mindset tools) to change self-limiting automatic behavior patterns at the root level, increase your capacity, and reduce stress.

    → You strongly desire a deeper, more embodied life experience and want to level up personally and professionally without sacrificing health and peace of mind. 

    → You’re PSYCHED by the fact that when you join us inside The Rewire, you’ll get access to DAILY LIVE classes 5 days/week, plus a massive library of pre-recorded classes, and a 14-day step-by-step roadmap to get you started… and that’s not to mention the LIVE access to Elisabeth and other certified neuro-somatic facilitators, plus the AMAZING community of like-minded people on a similar journey.

    Start my FREE TWO-WEEK trial

    We all do the best we can at the level of our nervous system.

    Lasting transformation comes from putting the brain and nervous system at the center of training — whether that is for cognitive or physical performance, or behavior change.” 

    — Elisabeth Kristof, Founder of

    of lives transformed...

    Nuero Training made scaling my business possible without sacrificing health
    BBW community is the family I always wish I had
    End Pain And Anxiety
    Studio-Level Accountability and Connection From Home

    Now it's your turn.

    Which of these Rewire results would change your life the most?

    Pain Resolution

    Pain is an output of a brain and nervous system that are under too much stress. By training the input systems — like vision, balance and body awareness — the brain is under less stress on a second-by-second basis.

    When your brain feels safer, it creates less protective outputs — LIKE PAIN — and allows you to move into a performance mode, where you can be faster, stronger, more focused and connected.

    Anxiety & Stress REduction

    Anxiety is a cage that keeps us trapped in loops of panic, unwanted behaviors and harmful relationship patterns. It is also a symptom of a nervous system held in a dysregulated state — and your behavior is your brain’s best bet at getting the stimulus that it needs to self-regulate, stay safe, and ensure survival.

    If you are like my clients, you’re smart and your intellect has always seen you through the tough times. Maybe you’ve even embraced meditation because your MIND can rise above all this. But no matter how hard you try, you just can’t think or levitate your way out of this one. 

    In The Rewire, you’ll learn to resolve stress and process emotions through the body — and heal your nervous system to reduce anxiety, depression and burnout in a whole new, and completely life-changing, way.

    Anxiety & Stress REduction

    Anxiety is a cage that keeps us trapped in loops of panic, unwanted behaviors and harmful relationship patterns. It is also a symptom of a nervous system held in a dysregulated state — and your behavior is your brain’s best bet at getting the stimulus that it needs to self-regulate, stay safe, and ensure survival.

    If you are like my clients, you’re smart and your intellect has always seen you through the tough times. Maybe you’ve even embraced meditation because your MIND can rise above all this. But no matter how hard you try, you just can’t think or levitate your way out of this one. 

    In The Rewire, you’ll learn to resolve stress and process emotions through the body — and heal your nervous system to reduce anxiety, depression and burnout in a whole new, and completely life-changing, way.

    Improved Cognitive
    & Physical Performance

    The brain and body can't be in protective mode and performance mode at the same time. The most effective way to increase cognitive and physical performance is to train the operating system of the body — the nervous system.

    Our brain and nervous system are always changing — that is neuroplasticity. But the great news is… we have a say about whether they are changing in a positive direction!

    If your goal is to feel your best, be mentally agile and physically strong, lead and move with skill, generate power and eliminate pain, age with grace and longevity, and in general, be in the driver’s seat of your own life, then come on! We are your crew!

    “The BrainBased site is amazing. Being able to search the on-demand library for exactly what I’m going through each day is SO helpful. 

    But the greatest value is being able to spend time in live classes with the coaches and community doing this groundbreaking work, and how personalized it feels. Elisabeth and her team are world class leaders in neurosomatic intelligence and it’s an honor to be here now.” 

    — Morgan Laubach, Musician

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Made it all the way down here?

    If you’ve read this far, don’t leave without signing up for The Rewire for 2 weeks, FREE.

    It’s time to end cycles of hyper-arousal and overwhelm, take back control over your body and behavior, experience an immediate improvement in stress management and productivity, and heal your nervous system dysregulation at the root level.

    The actionable tools and practices we’re sharing with you in this membership aren’t just cutting-edge… they’re life-changing.


    Start my FREE TWO-WEEK trial
    *The advertised free 2-week trial is for new subscribers only.
    *If you previously had an active “The Rewire” subscription you will be charged upon sign-up.