Depression is one of the most researched mood disorders, but if we look a bit deeper into how depression is able to develop, it is more nuanced than we think. This means, treating depression isn’t a one size fits all solution. It is agreed upon that depression is a chemical imbalance and can be treated with SSRIs or SNRIs, etc., …

As humans we rely on visual memory the most, but what if we told you that memories, especially memories that were formed before we had language, live primarily in our bodies. It’s safe to say, the body keeps score, more than we know.  It can be extremely dis-regulating to try to retrieve memories that live in the body without proper …

Imagine a flame that isn’t receiving adequate fuel, slowly dying down. This is a great visualization of what happens in the body when we are experiencing burnout. When we push past our capacity and boundaries, while doing things that may not be authentic or aligned with us, we are essentially burning through our reserves faster than we can replenish them. …

Have you ever wondered what it truly means when we say “trauma lives in the tissues” or that “the body keeps the score”? These phrases often circulate in the healing world but can feel abstract and elusive. We are unraveling these concepts in our latest episode of Trauma Rewired.  Have you ever felt a deep, inexplicable sense of unease or discomfort, …

In this episode of Trauma Rewired, we are joined by Matt Bush as we unpack anxiety. The conversation starts with an exploration of how neurodivergent conditions such as ADHD and autism impact executive functioning, sensory processing, and create hypersensitivities that lead to emotional overwhelm. We highlight the importance of self-assessment and retraining of sensory systems to better manage these challenges. …

“The mental health system’s adherence to the medical model not only neglects the complex interplay of genetic, developmental and environmental factors, but also serves to stigmatize and marginalize those who suffer.”   In the premiere episode of Season 4, we dive deep into the challenges and impacts of mental and physical health diagnoses from a Neuro-Somatic Intelligence (NSI) perspective. We …

This week on Trauma Rewired, we welcome back Matt Bush of Next Level Neuro to explore the physiology of stress and the transformative power of Neuro-Somatic Intelligence. We know that connection is crucial to our survival as humans, but for those with complex trauma, even the healthiest relationships can trigger a stress response and lead to maladaptive behaviors. This episode …

When we think about adverse childhood experiences, emotional neglect is often seen as less significant compared to other forms of trauma. Its subtleties make it easy to overlook, but the truth is that emotional neglect has a profound effect on our relationships and health as adults, from the detrimental effects on the brain and immune system. In this episode, we …

Believe it or not, empaths and narcissists have foundational similarities. Not only does the brain chemistry look the same, but empaths and narcissists both struggle with nervous system regulation and look to others to help them regulate their emotions. But whereas the narcissist avoids the emotions of others, empaths are deeply affected and have a physiological experience to the emotions …

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Our bodies are always speaking to us, but often we’re not able to understand or listen to what they’re trying to communicate. In this episode, we unpack the complexities of our relationship to the body, including how our perceptions, emotions and beliefs about our bodies significantly impact our overall well-being. We dive deep into the impact the interoceptive system has …