“ …how do we, and for me how do I, start to regain my natural capacity for connection, but at the same time not overload myself to the point that there’s a backfire and I end up pulling away again? That is another part of what makes sense to me about this work, or this understanding of the nervous system, …
“…the ancient mythologies, the ancient texts, including the Vedas and the Bibles- are really cosmologies. They are telling us the stories of our anatomy and physiology and how we mimic the cycles of the cosmos. And how the stories of the stars are quite literally alive within us.” -Melanie Weller, Co-Lead Educator of Neuro Somatic Intelligence Certification, Vagus Nerve Expert …
“Presence, and rewiring for Presence, is the exact opposite of self abandonment. It’s you choosing yourself. It is you saying: I don’t have to “survive” this, I can make new choices. I can be here for this. I can have a new feeling in my body and I don’t have to endure the way that things have always been for …
“…if I don’t acknowledge the members of my inner counsel- even the ones I do not like, even the ones that feel like too much or not enough- then I, in the immortal words of Carl Jung, will project them to the outside and see them as attackers on me. That was a paraphrase, not his direct quote. I will …
“We are creators, but we cannot be creators when we’re living in a state of survival. It’s a non-starter. So everything, every affirmation you wanna do, every manifestation program you wanna take, every energy healing thing you wanna be present for- if your inner environment is in a state of survival everything else will elude you because you cannot be …
“…in order to have boundaries and really even start to understand them, you have to be able to get comfortable in the discomfort of the duality between we’re all interconnected and we’re all autonomous. And both those seemingly opposite things are true at the same time.” -Margy Feldhuhn, Neuro Somatic Certified Practitioner and CEO of Interview Connections Does the thought …
“…as our brain grows and develops through infancy and early childhood, a lot of the developmental processes that occur are initiated by social interactions or social bonds. It’s like our brain is gathering repetitions or experiences and interactions in order to actually create the inputs that will drive the growth and development that has to happen. So even from infancy, …
‘We are shaped by memories even if we don’t remember them cognitively. Our bodies and nervous systems do remember and trauma impairs the coherence of imprinted narratives. You’ve often heard us say neurons that fire together, wire together. People who touch, talk and connect wire together and survive together. Our brains are social organs formed by the relationships and connections …
Trailer: Relationships and Your Nervous System Season 3 Trailer “It’s going to be a fun season with a lot of meaty subject matter to explore. As always we’ll be going into the science, but we’ll also be sharing our personal experience and the experiences of our clients and community. Hopefully, we’re really creating a space to start to have a …