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Food and Nervous System Regulation

Episode 50 What if your stress eating, binges and caffeine or sugar habits are what’s keeping your nervous system and body feeling safe in the world? What if these behaviors have been your nervous system’s way to protect you? What if the guilt and shame of stress and binge eating could be lifted by understanding that these behaviors are protective …

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Complex Trauma, Relationships and Your Nervous System

Episode 48 “You’re not just having your relationship, you are also having all of the past relationships that you had modeled for you. They’re all at work. And so while all of those dynamics are all playing out and all the micro stories are playing in, in your mind intellectually, they’re also playing out at the level of the nervous …

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Reflections on the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Certification Episode 47 The premise is that everything starts and ends with your nervous system, so no matter where you are implementing this type of work, it will be impactful. Neuro-Somatic Intelligence can help people feel safer in their bodies, whether they have big T or small T trauma, everyone can benefit greatly from this …

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Exploring c-PTSD & it’s 5 distinguishing characteristics

Episodes 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 We have gotten so many DMs from folks who, after listening to the Trauma Rewired series on c-PTSD say – holy sh*t, this is the missing puzzle piece of info.  If you’re all caught up on Trauma Rewired, you know we are taking a deep dive into Complex-PTSD… what is it? What are …

What is Applied Neurology?

Episode 46 What is Applied Neurology? Think of daily NeuroSomatic Intelligence practice as nervous system hygiene.  “At its most basic level applied neurology is using the latest research in neuroscience and brain science and making it applicable to everyday life to train our brain and our nervous system to function better. NeuroSomatic Intelligence training uses applied neurology to create neural …

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Complex Trauma & the Developmental Brain, con’t

Episode 45 “Because of my Neuro-Somatic education and tools, I feel hopeful in my brain’s own story, in the way that I can rewire limiting beliefs, balance emotionally and start to light up different parts of my brain. Your brain is your whole body and relational world, and you can change your life by training your nervous system. I’m here …

Complex Trauma & the Developmental Brain

Episode 44 Imagine all of your childhood experiences as a pool of water. All your relationships, experiences, emotions and memories become this water that you’re swimming in. What does the water look like? How does it feel against your skin? Can you swim or do you struggle to stay afloat?  At the most basic level Trauma is an overwhelm of …

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Sleep is Potent Medicine

Episode 43 Despite knowing this, many of us find it hard to rest in this hustle of the new year. Even though biologically we are wired to wind down in winter, culturally this is go time for new projects, behavior change, launches, personal development – all the things keep us from resting. When we have trauma, achieving quality rest can …

“Perfectionism is really difficult because it is a protective response with real health consequences. …  You hear people wear their perfectionism like a badge of honor and are often rewarded for perfectionistic traits. So how do we start to distinguish between striving for excellence and putting out work that is in alignment with your highest values and being stuck in …

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Emotions and Your Nervous System

Episode 35 “…our emotions create a sense of safety for us, a sense of belonging. But then when things get flipped, whether it’s from trauma or an unsafe environmental pattern, it’s our emotions that first clue us in to say, ‘Hey we’re not safe. This is not a safe survival location or safe environment.’ And we feel fear or dread. …