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Class Descriptions

Neuro-Somatic Reset
Class time: 45 min
Level: All Levels
Neuro-Somatic Reset uses applied neurology exercises that focus on cranial nerve stimulation, sensory stimulation, vagus nerve health and respiration tools combined with emotional processing and release practices like EFT Tapping, somatic movement and neurosomatic meditation.
The goal is to improve the health and well-being of the nervous system, and create a greater sense of ease, safety and regulation around emotional processing and relaxation. In community, we regulate and release. Additionally, participants come away with new tools each week to help their nervous system regulate in times of high stress and to aid in behavior change.

Neuro-Somatic Mat Flow
Class time: 30 min
Level: All Levels - thought movement is often performed on floor
Neuro-Somatic Mat Flow is a gentle movement class that brings a greater mindbody connection and curiosity to movement. We work through somatic exercises to release tension and trauma patterns held in the body, as well as to release emotions and move out of protective reflexes.
The purpose of this class is to repattern movement in the body, especially where we have been affected by trauma and stress. By changing posture, resorting mobility, increasing respiratory competency and improving our body map and movement abilities, we create safety and ease from the body to the brain.

Neuro-Somatic Applied Neurology Session
Class time: 30 min
Level: All Levels
BBW applied neurology sessions focus on intentional training for the nervous system to reduce pain, tension, unwanted behavior and self- limiting patterns. By training the input systems of the nervous system – visual, balance, body mapping and interoceptive systems–we create positive adaptation in the nervous system as a whole.
These group neuro training sessions teach applied neurology principles and help you learn how to train your unique nervous system to create more well-being, presence and resilience.

Neuro Training Shorties
Class time: 10 min
Level: All Levels
Neuro Shorties are quick nervous system training sessions that teach three to five neuro drills for self-regulation and improved nervous system health. These classes are a great way to start your day and stay consistent with your daily nervous system training.
You can also quickly do one of these neuro sessions in the moment of panic, pain or overwhelm to bring your higher order thinking systems back online, regulate your nervous system and interrupt a threat response.