What if you could feel better, look better, move better NOW then you did 10 years ago? Our brain and nervous system (CNS) are always changing – that is neuroplasticity. But we have a say by the way we train and live whether or not is changing in a positive direction. Is your goal to look your best, be strong, run fast, move with grace, eliminate pain, generate power, age with grace and longevity, and in general, be the athlete of your own life? This is your crew then.
A nervous system (CNS) under threat produces negative outputs to keep you safe. A brain and a body that are in protective mode can’t also be in performance mode. By healing deficits in your nervous system, we will reduce the overall threat level you are under on a second-by-second basis. By training your vision, vestibular system, and proprioceptive system, we will move out of protective mode (think pain, fatigue, injury, weight gain) and into peak performance (think strength, motor control, ideal weight, mobility, and power.) We will also learn important biomechanics concepts and explore movement training to level-up athletic performance and prevent injury.
In this small-group training, you will optimize your posture, create a new appearance, neutralize pain, be faster and stronger, and master movement like an elite athlete.