“…when our emotional needs aren’t met, they’re neglected, we miss out on that felt sense of being held, not only physically, but emotionally and at the level of our nervous system and our emotional expression. Then we miss out, too, on learning a lot of the nuances of emotions and the duality of emotions. Like I can be afraid and …

“…they [police officers] want to do good in their community, but you’re taking a person that wants to do good and putting them into a system that has been developed in some ways to do bad. And so to keep those doors open, we have to make it definitely an intentional part of the culture for police officers to acknowledge …

“…really helping people see that colonization still occurs. And that I’m over here talking about the emotional components, the emotional companion, the cousin to the physicality of colonization. Like how the removal of land, of culture, also produced an attempted euthanization of spirit. It is a genocide attempt, any way you cut it- of culture, of spirit, of cutting our …

Do you see the world through the lens of shame? How is your body speaking to you right now? Think breaking free from the shame cycles of self-abandonment and dissociation is possible? “We posted a Reel where I was in a bathing suit and it’s like, that is a new me. This is my body. The way that my body …

“My goal is that every nurse hears this. We have 350,000 perinatal nurses on the list to learn trauma informed care within this space. This is completely layered, nuanced, gender violence, obstetric violence, hierarchy, all of that. Once we know, we can’t unknow. We have to hold ourselves accountable also, that we are in a position of power, and our …

“…so many people have an adversarial relationship with their body because they feel like the body’s punishing them because of the pain. You get angry because of the pain and resentment because of the pain. … Pain is a request for change. That’s my definition of pain. …the first step is how about you change how you view pain. Instead …

Think being regulated means living in a flatline state of calmness? Did you know that you can co-regulate with nervous systems that aren’t human? Confused about having complex trauma despite having a “good” childhood?  In this week’s episode we’re discussing co-regulation and misattunement. These are terms you’ve heard a lot on our podcast this season, and probably on social media. …

“…the ability to feel or sense and read other’s emotions and to experience them is one way that the brain can cope and make the world a more predictable place. If I’m in an uncertain standing with a social circle and then I’m able to actually feel what they’re feeling; then I can manipulate my own behavior, or help regulate …

“…the narcissist doesn’t have emotional regulatory skills and never learned how to emotionally self-regulate and probably was very neglected, could have been around very abusive parents. I really think that the pathological narcissist comes from a deep place of pain and chaos from a perspective of cPTSD.”  -Elisabeth Kristof, Trauma Rewired Co-Host and Founder of Brain Based Wellness There’s a …

“…everything that I teach, I can only teach if I’ve experienced it. So I am so well experienced in the Fawning response, like incredibly. So when I learned about it, it was this kind of mind blowing moment for me of, ‘oh, this thing that I’ve been doing my whole life has a name and there’s a purpose’. And a …