Sep / 2024
For highly sensitive people (HSPs), the intensity of the world often feels magnified. Their heightened sensitivity makes them highly empathetic and deeply attuned to others’ emotions. This allows them to form meaningful, compassionate connections. However, it can also lead to overwhelm. Everyday stimuli—like sounds, touch, smells, textures, and colors—can be particularly dysregulating for HSPs. This is why understanding where we
Sep / 2024
We live in an extremely overstimulating society, where information is coming at us from all angles, and the brain is constantly working to make sense of it all. As we continue to unravel and understand ADHD, we’re beginning to see it not just as a disorder, but as an adaptive response to the world. With this perspective, we can work
Aug / 2024
What is a neurotypical world? Here at Trauma Rewired, we don’t believe it exists. As humans, we are biodynamic, unique, individuals that process the world around us differently. So understanding how that happens is key to unlocking our healing potential. Complex trauma adds another layer to the mix, which we believe is not separate from neurodivergence. The “extra” neural pathways
Aug / 2024
There is a staggering number of adults with ADHD, autism, and neurodivergence, who have yet to be diagnosed. Even in the age of information, many adults don’t realize they are wired differently until their children are diagnosed. This can create all sorts of issues in the nervous system for these folks, by suppressing, repressing, masking their true selves, and feelings
Aug / 2024
In a society where we are encouraged, and sometimes forced, to conform life can become quite dysregulating for neurodivergent people. Feeling misunderstood, not good enough, or wanting to fit in, suppresses a person’s ability to be in full self-expression and wreaks havoc on the nervous system. The isolation and shame associated with being neurodivergent can create its own protective outputs,
Aug / 2024
Our beliefs about ourselves and the world are so deeply ingrained in our being that every sensory input is filtered through the lens of these beliefs. Beliefs like, “I am not enough” or “I am unworthy”, can create maladaptive emotions, behaviors, or thoughts, and can cause a ton of stress on our nervous systems and result in illness or disease,
Jul / 2024
In a society that often equates our worth with productivity, focusing on rest and recovery can feel unsafe, potentially leading to increased stress in both our minds and bodies. By challenging the need to be constantly productive and redefining our relationship with rest, we can uncover a common theme: doing more doesn’t always equate to achieving more. Whether that is
Jul / 2024
Depression is one of the most researched mood disorders, but if we look a bit deeper into how depression is able to develop, it is more nuanced than we think. This means, treating depression isn’t a one size fits all solution. It is agreed upon that depression is a chemical imbalance and can be treated with SSRIs or SNRIs, etc.,
Jul / 2024
As humans we rely on visual memory the most, but what if we told you that memories, especially memories that were formed before we had language, live primarily in our bodies. It’s safe to say, the body keeps score, more than we know. It can be extremely dis-regulating to try to retrieve memories that live in the body without proper
Jul / 2024
Imagine a flame that isn’t receiving adequate fuel, slowly dying down. This is a great visualization of what happens in the body when we are experiencing burnout. When we push past our capacity and boundaries, while doing things that may not be authentic or aligned with us, we are essentially burning through our reserves faster than we can replenish them.
Jul / 2024
Have you ever wondered what it truly means when we say “trauma lives in the tissues” or that “the body keeps the score”? These phrases often circulate in the healing world but can feel abstract and elusive. We are unraveling these concepts in our latest episode of Trauma Rewired. Have you ever felt a deep, inexplicable sense of unease or discomfort,
Jul / 2024
In this episode of Trauma Rewired, we are joined by Matt Bush as we unpack anxiety. The conversation starts with an exploration of how neurodivergent conditions such as ADHD and autism impact executive functioning, sensory processing, and create hypersensitivities that lead to emotional overwhelm. We highlight the importance of self-assessment and retraining of sensory systems to better manage these challenges.
Jun / 2024
“The mental health system’s adherence to the medical model not only neglects the complex interplay of genetic, developmental and environmental factors, but also serves to stigmatize and marginalize those who suffer.” In the premiere episode of Season 4, we dive deep into the challenges and impacts of mental and physical health diagnoses from a Neuro-Somatic Intelligence (NSI) perspective. We
Jun / 2024
This week on Trauma Rewired, we welcome back Matt Bush of Next Level Neuro to explore the physiology of stress and the transformative power of Neuro-Somatic Intelligence. We know that connection is crucial to our survival as humans, but for those with complex trauma, even the healthiest relationships can trigger a stress response and lead to maladaptive behaviors. This episode
Jun / 2024
When we think about adverse childhood experiences, emotional neglect is often seen as less significant compared to other forms of trauma. Its subtleties make it easy to overlook, but the truth is that emotional neglect has a profound effect on our relationships and health as adults, from the detrimental effects on the brain and immune system. In this episode, we
Jun / 2024
Believe it or not, empaths and narcissists have foundational similarities. Not only does the brain chemistry look the same, but empaths and narcissists both struggle with nervous system regulation and look to others to help them regulate their emotions. But whereas the narcissist avoids the emotions of others, empaths are deeply affected and have a physiological experience to the emotions
May / 2024
Our bodies are always speaking to us, but often we’re not able to understand or listen to what they’re trying to communicate. In this episode, we unpack the complexities of our relationship to the body, including how our perceptions, emotions and beliefs about our bodies significantly impact our overall well-being. We dive deep into the impact the interoceptive system has
May / 2024
Healing Dissociation “You can’t be present and dissociated at the same time.” These wise words from co-host Jennifer Wallace encompasses why this topic is so important to explore. Presence is the truth of our emotions and our reality, because we cannot heal what we do not feel. Being present with our emotions, and feeling them in our body, allows us
May / 2024
The essence of who we are radiates when we live in our purpose. When we can connect with our true self and share it with others. There are many blockers stopping us from being able to express our feelings, or even know what we’re experiencing, and one of them is self abandonment. Don’t let the “self” fool you —
May / 2024
The term social anxiety gets tossed around a lot these days, however individuals with CPTS who experience social anxiety feel its effects on a visceral level. It can be highly debilitating and can affect the way we relate and connect to others, when the need for connection is at the very core of what makes us human. Knowing if you
Apr / 2024
As a human, you have most likely felt shame to some degree. Although it is a normal human protective emotion to keep us safe on a societal level, shame can become toxic when it persists and when we internalize the critical narrative from that shame. Toxic shame shows up in many ways, however, the way it shows up physiologically is
Apr / 2024
We’ve all experienced the inner critic to some extent. You know, that voice inside of your head saying you’re not good enough, or that you’re a bad person. Where does this voice come from and why is it so vicious? Well, for people dealing with CPTS, this voice is even louder, and even more critical. The volume gets turned up
Apr / 2024
Welcome to part one of five of our CPTSD series! We are kicking it off with a discussion about emotional flashbacks and how to manage them under the NSI framework. This highly reactive response to triggers are compounded by their ability to change a person’s reality, especially for those with CPTSD, who have a difficult time processing their emotions to
Apr / 2024
We first explored this question in Season 2 and felt it was necessary to revisit; with more altitude, updated research and further along in our healing journeys. In this episode, hosts Elisabeth Kristof and Jennifer Wallace dive deep into the realm of Complex Post Traumatic Stress, or CPTS, exploring the complexities of trauma and the impact on our nervous systems.
Apr / 2024
We close Season 3 by reflecting on the interconnectedness of trauma, the nervous systems and our relationships explored throughout the Season. We delved into the Season’s most powerful conversations and insightful concepts- including relational patterns like emotional neglect, the neurology of narcissism, the importance of community healing and more. Listeners were engaged more than ever, so you’ll hear stories of
Mar / 2024
It’s no secret that wellness programs like Neuro Somatic Intelligence Coaching often lack accessibility in marginalized communities, where populations most in need of such services are usually underserved and underprivileged. Unfortunately, these programs are often not tailored to meet the specific needs of these communities. Hence, there’s a pressing need to rethink our approach and become more innovative in how
Mar / 2024
Neuro Somatic intelligence can be the key to healing not just trauma, but in the management of chronic pain. Joining us on this episode of Trauma Rewired is Lindsey Wall, a Neuro Somatic Intelligence Practitioner, Movement Practitioner, and Brain-Based Wellness Coach. Her personal journey with chronic pain, hypermobility, and neurodiversity highlights the versatility of NSI in healing unique nervous systems.
Mar / 2024
Have you ever wondered why you always end up in the same type of relationships? Or why so many of the people in your life cause you stress? This episode looks at relational patterns through the lens of Neuro Somatic Intelligence, exploring how childhood experiences shape our relationships and, often subconsciously, guide us towards familiar dynamics that are harmful to
Mar / 2024
No person exemplifies the healing power of music more than today’s guest, Toni Jones. A former life coach, Toni wanted to create a tool for clients to improve well-being, leading to the birth of affirmation music. True growth often comes after a period of breaking down, and this was true for Toni during her healing journey through music. In this
Feb / 2024
As a Neuro Somatic Relationship and Intimacy Coach, safety and nervous system regulation are at the heart of Piper Rose’s work. They bridge the gap between individual trauma and collective healing in the LGBTQ+, Poly, and Kink communities, emphasizing the crucial role safety plays in self-expression, identity, and overall health. In this episode, Piper delves into this concept of collective
Feb / 2024
Voice is a profound tool for self-expression, embodiment, and navigating the world around us. In this episode with Elise Besler, NSI-certified practitioner and voice coach joins us for a deep dive into the power of finding our voice and using it safely through the work of nervous system regulation. Our conversation opens with a discussion of how trauma impacts voice,
Feb / 2024
“These tools and drills create the results that we’re actually looking for, and that allows us to show up more empowered, to show up more embodied, to take risks.” This quote by today’s guest, Carrie Montgomery, perfectly sums up the transformative power of Neuro Somatic Intelligence for both personal growth and professional success. As a transformational leadership coach, Carrie has
Jan / 2024
Listen to more episodes of Trauma Rewired HERE Exploring the intersection of Neuro Somatic Intelligence and self-compassion, this insightful conversation with applied neuro practitioner Amanda Smith sheds light on the profound impact of language and embodiment in reshaping our nervous system to promote true, transformative healing. In this episode, we delve into the critical role our internal language plays in
Jan / 2024
This week on Trauma Rewired, hosts Jennifer and Elisabeth welcome back Matt Bush of Next Level Neuro to explore the physiology of stress and the transformative power of Neuro Somatic Intelligence. We know that connection is crucial to our survival as humans, but for those with complex trauma, even the healthiest relationships can trigger a stress response and lead to
Jan / 2024
The pelvic bowl is the center of our somatic experience, but the majority of women are disconnected from this crucial part of the body. So today, hosts Jennifer and Elisabeth are joined by Veronica Rottman of Waking Womb to address the importance of pelvic floor health. In this episode, Veronica and our hosts take a deep dive into the relationship
Jan / 2024
“When we have sensory mismatch in the paradigm of body dysmorphia, we’re talking about mismatch being communicated between the visual system and the interoceptive system. They are not integrating and they’re saying two different things. And the way that the brain works is we don’t see what’s really there in front of us, but we see what our brain projects.
Jan / 2024
“I always thought I was crazy. And it turns out I just have complex trauma. This conversation inspired me to take healing my deficits way more seriously, particularly in my visual and vestibular systems. Now over a year later, I can’t tell you the difference it has made in my life. And the ways that I show up in my
Dec / 2023
Can you feel your feet on the ground right now? What do your clothes feel like against your skin? The foundational reason that we, Jennifer and Elisabeth, are committed to training our nervous systems everyday is so that we can be Present in our lives. We truly want to be fully Present in our bodies, our emotions, our relationships, our
Dec / 2023
“Dissociation is a big way that we keep from feeling the pain of whatever we’re about to experience when we’re caught <by a predator>. Dissociation is a normal defense mechanism that helps us cope during a traumatic event. And so it’s really natural to experience it when you’re in a natural disaster, an invasive medical procedure, or in a traumatic
Dec / 2023
“There’s typically one way that our brain finds to be the most adaptive, and that’s based on our early childhood experiences. But it certainly can change over time and it can change based on the other types of nervous systems that we’re around.” -Elisabeth Kristof, Trauma Rewired Co-Host, Founder of and Founder of Neuro Somatic Intelligence Coaching Certification “Have
Dec / 2023
“…as our brain grows and develops through infancy and early childhood, a lot of the developmental processes that occur are initiated by social interactions or social bonds. It’s like our brain is gathering repetitions or experiences and interactions in order to actually create the inputs that will drive the growth and development that has to happen. So even from infancy,
Nov / 2023
“…it’s such a heightened time in childhood this season. There’s so much sensory stimulus coming in and so many big emotions. There’s excitement. There’s joy. There’s fun. There’s good tastes. There’s all of this, right? It’s such a big sensory experience that it really pulls up those parts of ourselves that we don’t always come in contact with our five
Nov / 2023
“…we’re all feeling stuck. Of course, we’re all feeling like, even for some of us who so well intentionally affirmed we’re not going to repeat that past that was so very painful or shameful or whatever it was for each of us. We’re still doing it because of, again, all of these perceptual systems that are driven by this neurological
Nov / 2023
“…when our emotional needs aren’t met, they’re neglected, we miss out on that felt sense of being held, not only physically, but emotionally and at the level of our nervous system and our emotional expression. Then we miss out, too, on learning a lot of the nuances of emotions and the duality of emotions. Like I can be afraid and
Nov / 2023
“…they [police officers] want to do good in their community, but you’re taking a person that wants to do good and putting them into a system that has been developed in some ways to do bad. And so to keep those doors open, we have to make it definitely an intentional part of the culture for police officers to acknowledge
Nov / 2023
“…really helping people see that colonization still occurs. And that I’m over here talking about the emotional components, the emotional companion, the cousin to the physicality of colonization. Like how the removal of land, of culture, also produced an attempted euthanization of spirit. It is a genocide attempt, any way you cut it- of culture, of spirit, of cutting our
Oct / 2023
Do you see the world through the lens of shame? How is your body speaking to you right now? Think breaking free from the shame cycles of self-abandonment and dissociation is possible? “We posted a Reel where I was in a bathing suit and it’s like, that is a new me. This is my body. The way that my body
Oct / 2023
“My goal is that every nurse hears this. We have 350,000 perinatal nurses on the list to learn trauma informed care within this space. This is completely layered, nuanced, gender violence, obstetric violence, hierarchy, all of that. Once we know, we can’t unknow. We have to hold ourselves accountable also, that we are in a position of power, and our
Oct / 2023
“…so many people have an adversarial relationship with their body because they feel like the body’s punishing them because of the pain. You get angry because of the pain and resentment because of the pain. … Pain is a request for change. That’s my definition of pain. …the first step is how about you change how you view pain. Instead
Oct / 2023
Think being regulated means living in a flatline state of calmness? Did you know that you can co-regulate with nervous systems that aren’t human? Confused about having complex trauma despite having a “good” childhood? In this week’s episode we’re discussing co-regulation and misattunement. These are terms you’ve heard a lot on our podcast this season, and probably on social media.
Oct / 2023
“…the ability to feel or sense and read other’s emotions and to experience them is one way that the brain can cope and make the world a more predictable place. If I’m in an uncertain standing with a social circle and then I’m able to actually feel what they’re feeling; then I can manipulate my own behavior, or help regulate
Sep / 2023
“…the narcissist doesn’t have emotional regulatory skills and never learned how to emotionally self-regulate and probably was very neglected, could have been around very abusive parents. I really think that the pathological narcissist comes from a deep place of pain and chaos from a perspective of cPTSD.” -Elisabeth Kristof, Trauma Rewired Co-Host and Founder of Brain Based Wellness There’s a
Sep / 2023
“…everything that I teach, I can only teach if I’ve experienced it. So I am so well experienced in the Fawning response, like incredibly. So when I learned about it, it was this kind of mind blowing moment for me of, ‘oh, this thing that I’ve been doing my whole life has a name and there’s a purpose’. And a
Sep / 2023
“I wanna support the people that I’m close to, but not at the expense of my own health and wellbeing. I can better draw those lines and individuate because I’m not so dysregulated by and afraid of other people’s emotional experience.” -Elisabeth Kristof, Trauma Rewired Co-Host and Founder of Brain Based Wellness and Neuro Somatic Intelligence Certification Do you prioritize
Sep / 2023
“There’s typically one way that our brain finds to be the most adaptive, and that’s based on our early childhood experiences. But it certainly can change over time and it can change based on the other types of nervous systems that we’re around.”-Elisabeth Kristof, Trauma Rewired Co-Host, Founder of Brain Based Wellness and Founder of Neuro Somatic Intelligence Coaching Certification
Aug / 2023
“ …how do we, and for me how do I, start to regain my natural capacity for connection, but at the same time not overload myself to the point that there’s a backfire and I end up pulling away again? That is another part of what makes sense to me about this work, or this understanding of the nervous system,
Aug / 2023
“…the ancient mythologies, the ancient texts, including the Vedas and the Bibles- are really cosmologies. They are telling us the stories of our anatomy and physiology and how we mimic the cycles of the cosmos. And how the stories of the stars are quite literally alive within us.” -Melanie Weller, Co-Lead Educator of Neuro Somatic Intelligence Certification, Vagus Nerve Expert
Aug / 2023
“Presence, and rewiring for Presence, is the exact opposite of self abandonment. It’s you choosing yourself. It is you saying: I don’t have to “survive” this, I can make new choices. I can be here for this. I can have a new feeling in my body and I don’t have to endure the way that things have always been for
Aug / 2023
“…if I don’t acknowledge the members of my inner counsel- even the ones I do not like, even the ones that feel like too much or not enough- then I, in the immortal words of Carl Jung, will project them to the outside and see them as attackers on me. That was a paraphrase, not his direct quote. I will
Jul / 2023
“We are creators, but we cannot be creators when we’re living in a state of survival. It’s a non-starter. So everything, every affirmation you wanna do, every manifestation program you wanna take, every energy healing thing you wanna be present for- if your inner environment is in a state of survival everything else will elude you because you cannot be
Jul / 2023
“…in order to have boundaries and really even start to understand them, you have to be able to get comfortable in the discomfort of the duality between we’re all interconnected and we’re all autonomous. And both those seemingly opposite things are true at the same time.” -Margy Feldhuhn, Neuro Somatic Certified Practitioner and CEO of Interview Connections Does the thought
Jul / 2023
“…I’m doing all my internal work and I’m healing myself so that I can be strong and do the work in the world that I wanna do and support others to do that work. I have been really wanting to make sure that it’s not just an individual solution, so it’s not just about me. It’s about me doing that
Jul / 2023
“…as our brain grows and develops through infancy and early childhood, a lot of the developmental processes that occur are initiated by social interactions or social bonds. It’s like our brain is gathering repetitions or experiences and interactions in order to actually create the inputs that will drive the growth and development that has to happen. So even from infancy,
Jul / 2023
‘We are shaped by memories even if we don’t remember them cognitively. Our bodies and nervous systems do remember and trauma impairs the coherence of imprinted narratives. You’ve often heard us say neurons that fire together, wire together. People who touch, talk and connect wire together and survive together. Our brains are social organs formed by the relationships and connections
Jun / 2023
Trailer: Relationships and Your Nervous System Season 3 Trailer “It’s going to be a fun season with a lot of meaty subject matter to explore. As always we’ll be going into the science, but we’ll also be sharing our personal experience and the experiences of our clients and community. Hopefully, we’re really creating a space to start to have a
Apr / 2023
“Are you a self-proclaimed people pleaser? Do you have a hard time setting boundaries? Or maybe you set boundaries and then you find yourself overwhelmed with panic, migraine pain in your body? It feels just really scary and uncomfortable. That’s what we’re gonna be talking about today, the trauma response of Fawn. Fawn is a behavioral adaptation. It’s a reaction
Apr / 2023
“Welcome to the Freeze Trauma Response. Unlike the other three responses <Fight, Flight and Fawn>, which are a call of action in the external world, Freeze happens in our bodies. Freeze is so fascinating. And as someone who really relates to this trauma response, I understand the dangers of it as well. It’s a reflexive response that’s turned inward and
Apr / 2023
“When we have this constant feeling inside that we are preparing to take action and it’s not safe to be still a lot of times we do move into overworking or creating things to stay busy all the time or over training, because at the level of our physiology, that’s what feels right. It feels right and safe to stay
Apr / 2023
The Fight Trauma Response Episode 56 “…anger is a very natural response. It is part of our emotional landscape, it triggers our fight and flight response, and it developed as a protective mechanism. When we had to be able to react quickly to protect ourselves against animal attacks throughout our human evolution. This is one of the tools that was
Mar / 2023
How Trauma Lives in the Body and Why You Should Heal it in Your Nervous System Episode 55 “How can we hear our intuition? How can we know what is good for our body if we can’t hear the signals that it is sending us? How can I be someone who honors and respects and listens to my body to
Mar / 2023
Trauma Rewired, the Healing Vortex Episode 54 “This season is a journey for people. We’ve laid it out in an easy way that it is digestible and that people can find themselves in. Not only just for your own awareness, but so that you can understand that there’s a new journey ahead of you that involves compassion, healing and forgiveness.
Mar / 2023
Visibility, Leadership and Podcasting
Episode 53 “Fear of success is really worth noting because there are entrepreneurs that want to get visible and want to get out there and want to be more successful. Then you are more visible, the stakes get higher. … I think the real truth is, and you know I say this as an entrepreneur, but entrepreneurs are often dysregulated
Mar / 2023
Executive Leadership, Your Nervous System and Success “…whether you have a big organization or not, I think everybody should think of themselves as a Leader, and I think empowering yourself with these <NSI> tools is a way to have an impact no matter where you are or what you’re doing.” “…being an entrepreneur is traumatic, leading people, and I don’t
Feb / 2023
“You can’t out mindset, your emotional brain, right? You can’t use your cognitive thinking skills and cognitive talking types of therapy to manipulate your emotional brain. Your emotional brain’s gonna win that battle every single time. So this is where tools like NSI are so valuable because if we’re gonna help the survival brain and the emotional brain to calm
Feb / 2023
If you’ve ever asked yourself ‘why am I so broken?’ This episode is sure to be eye-opening, educational and hopeful. Matt Bush, Co-Lead Educator of NSI Certification and Founder of Next Level Neuro joins us for a deep discussion about the dangers of repressed emotions, healthy expression and your nervous system. Our bodies and nervous systems are brilliantly designed with
Feb / 2023
Food and Nervous System Regulation
Episode 50 What if your stress eating, binges and caffeine or sugar habits are what’s keeping your nervous system and body feeling safe in the world? What if these behaviors have been your nervous system’s way to protect you? What if the guilt and shame of stress and binge eating could be lifted by understanding that these behaviors are protective
Feb / 2023
Complex Trauma, Relationships and Your Nervous System
Episode 48 “You’re not just having your relationship, you are also having all of the past relationships that you had modeled for you. They’re all at work. And so while all of those dynamics are all playing out and all the micro stories are playing in, in your mind intellectually, they’re also playing out at the level of the nervous
Feb / 2023
Reflections on the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Certification Episode 47 The premise is that everything starts and ends with your nervous system, so no matter where you are implementing this type of work, it will be impactful. Neuro-Somatic Intelligence can help people feel safer in their bodies, whether they have big T or small T trauma, everyone can benefit greatly from this
Feb / 2023
Exploring c-PTSD & it’s 5 distinguishing characteristics
Episodes 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 We have gotten so many DMs from folks who, after listening to the Trauma Rewired series on c-PTSD say – holy sh*t, this is the missing puzzle piece of info. If you’re all caught up on Trauma Rewired, you know we are taking a deep dive into Complex-PTSD… what is it? What are
Jan / 2023
What is Applied Neurology?
Episode 46 What is Applied Neurology? Think of daily NeuroSomatic Intelligence practice as nervous system hygiene. “At its most basic level applied neurology is using the latest research in neuroscience and brain science and making it applicable to everyday life to train our brain and our nervous system to function better. NeuroSomatic Intelligence training uses applied neurology to create neural
Jan / 2023
Complex Trauma & the Developmental Brain, con’t
Episode 45 “Because of my Neuro-Somatic education and tools, I feel hopeful in my brain’s own story, in the way that I can rewire limiting beliefs, balance emotionally and start to light up different parts of my brain. Your brain is your whole body and relational world, and you can change your life by training your nervous system. I’m here
Jan / 2023
Complex Trauma & the Developmental Brain
Episode 44 Imagine all of your childhood experiences as a pool of water. All your relationships, experiences, emotions and memories become this water that you’re swimming in. What does the water look like? How does it feel against your skin? Can you swim or do you struggle to stay afloat? At the most basic level Trauma is an overwhelm of
Jan / 2023
Sleep is Potent Medicine
Episode 43 Despite knowing this, many of us find it hard to rest in this hustle of the new year. Even though biologically we are wired to wind down in winter, culturally this is go time for new projects, behavior change, launches, personal development – all the things keep us from resting. When we have trauma, achieving quality rest can
Nov / 2022
“Perfectionism is really difficult because it is a protective response with real health consequences. … You hear people wear their perfectionism like a badge of honor and are often rewarded for perfectionistic traits. So how do we start to distinguish between striving for excellence and putting out work that is in alignment with your highest values and being stuck in
Nov / 2022
Emotions and Your Nervous System
Episode 35 “…our emotions create a sense of safety for us, a sense of belonging. But then when things get flipped, whether it’s from trauma or an unsafe environmental pattern, it’s our emotions that first clue us in to say, ‘Hey we’re not safe. This is not a safe survival location or safe environment.’ And we feel fear or dread.
Nov / 2022
S2 E35 TRANSCPT Emotions and the Nervous System
[00:00:00] Welcome back to Trauma Rewired. The podcast that teaches you about your nervous system, how trauma lives in the body and what you can do to heal. Today is going to be super fun. Elisabeth Kristof from Brain-Based Wellness and Matt Bush from Next Level Neuro are here. [00:00:16] They are both founders of the NeuroSomatic Intelligence Coaching Certification
Nov / 2022
S2E33 “Dissociation is a big way that we keep from feeling the pain of whatever we’re about to experience when we’re caught <by a predator>. Dissociation is a normal defense mechanism that helps us cope during a traumatic event. And so it’s really natural to experience it when you’re in a natural disaster, an invasive medical procedure, or in a
Aug / 2022
S2 E12 TRANSCRIPT Bingeing and Survival 2
Jennifer: Hey ya’ll, Elisabeth and I are back today to talk to you as a follow-up to our very first conversation, Bingeing and Survival. You know we love to talk about food as one of our favorite ways to regulate our nervous system! We have several episodes really about food, but it is no coincidence that Bingeing and Survival is